2012年8期50页《智斗安卓软件流量窃贼》一文介绍了安卓手机很多节省流量的小窍门,但是对于我等安卓菜鸟来说,修改Hosts文件、反编译程序这些操作不仅难以理解还容易出错。下面我就给大家介绍一个一键斩断“流量黑手”的方法。首先需要获取Root权限(原文已给出方法),注意Root期间一定要取下内存卡,Super One Click无法打开的需安装.Net Framework软件
2012 年 08 期 “Wisdom Android software thief” introduced a lot of Android mobile phone traffic tips, but for me, Andrews newbie, modify Hosts file, decompile these operations is not only difficult to understand but also easy to make mistakes . Here I will introduce a key to cut off “flow black hand ” method. First need to obtain root privileges (the original has given the method), pay attention to Root must remove the memory card, Super One Click can not open the need to install the Net Framework software