武警部队担负的任务确定了新兵必须有强壮的体质和健康的心理素质 ,才能在执行紧急任务和应付突发事件的快速反应中不会因身体和心理素质而减员。根据国务院《应征公民体检标准》的规定 ,目前尚无简单易行的检测方法来淘汰心理素质不高、心理障碍和精神疾病缓解期入伍应征对象
The tasks undertaken by the Armed Police Force have determined that recruits must have a strong physique and a healthy psychological quality so that they can not be downsized on the basis of their physical and psychological qualifications in the quick response of performing urgent tasks and coping with emergencies. According to the State Council, “Citizens of the National Health Standards” requirement, there is no easy test method to eliminate psychological quality is not high, psychological disorders and mental illness remission enlisted candidates