患者徐某,女,13岁。1987年2月26日因感冒发烧服 APC 1片,3小时后全身皮肤出现荨麻疹、哮喘、口唇发紫、大汗淋漓,烦躁不安,继而不省人事,急送医院抡救。患者既往在1984年10月和1986年6月皆因感冒发烧服小儿退热片2片,复方扑尔敏1片引起荨麻疹、哮喘,症状较轻,经用氨茶碱和皮质激素治疗好转。除此外否认哮喘及其他过敏史,家族中亦无变态反应性疾病史。入院体检:T36℃,p120次,R30次,BP:8/5.3kPa,浅昏迷,可见头皮、颜面、躯干、四肢大片荨麻疹、口唇、指(趾)
Patient Xu, female, 13 years old. February 26, 1987 due to cold fever APC 1, 3 hours after the skin appears urticaria, asthma, lips purple, sweating, irritability, and then unconscious, and hurried to the hospital to save. Patients in the past in October 1984 and June 1986 are due to cold fever pediatric fever tablets 2, compound chlorpheniramine 1 caused by urticaria, asthma, mild symptoms, with aminophylline and corticosteroids improved . In addition to denying history of asthma and other allergies, there is no history of allergic diseases in the family. Admission physical examination: T36 ℃, p120 times, R30 times, BP: 8 / 5.3kPa, shallow coma, visible scalp, face, trunk, limbs large urticaria, lips,