
来源 :艺术学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vitalee
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胡家芝(1897-2012)是我国著名的现当代剪纸艺术家,其剪纸作品曾被中国美术馆、江苏省美术馆等多家单位收藏,其个人简历亦被《中国美术家年鉴》、《中国民间剪纸史》等典籍收录。胡家芝出身书香门第,接受过近代教育,其特殊的个人经历造就了胡家芝剪纸的时代性特征、地域性特征、审美性特征等,而这恰是其他民间剪纸艺人所鲜有的剪纸艺术风格,或者说难以逾越之所在。因此,研究胡家芝剪纸艺术,对于当代民间剪纸的发展具有理论与实践的指导意义。 Hu Jiazhi (1897-2012) is a famous modern and contemporary paper-cut artist in China. His paper-cut works have been collected by many organizations such as the National Art Museum of China and the Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum. His resume has also been published in the Yearbook of Chinese Artists, History "and other books included. Hu Jiazhi was born in Shuxiangmen and accepted modern education. His special personal experience has created the era characteristics, regional characteristics and aesthetic characteristics of Hu Jiazhi’s paper-cut. This is exactly the paper-cut art style that other folk paper-cut artists rarely have, Or insurmountable place. Therefore, the study of Hu Jiazhi paper-cut art, for the development of contemporary folk paper-cut has the guiding significance of theory and practice.
2017年1月10日,由中国家用电器研究院与北京中怡康时代市场研究有限公司主办、苏宁云商集团股份有限公司战略合作及亚美特家具展区支持的“2016年中国家电行业年度峰会暨中国家电年度发布盛典”在北京希尔顿逸林酒店隆重召开。  本届峰会以“匠心塑品质·创新赢未来”为主题,中国家用电器研究院、中国消费者协会、中怡康时代等政府部门和行业机构及几十余家国内外主流企业均参与了本次峰会,并共同分享、探讨行业发展