MRA(磁共振血管造影)可使脑动脉无创伤成像,目前已被用于丛集性头痛的研究。本文作者观察了一例饮酒诱发的丛集性头痛病人发作前和发作时的MRA。 患者男性,25岁。近8年来,在每年的夏季大约有8周的时间内易患发作性的左侧眶上的丛集性头痛。每次头痛时间平均1小时,个别有时长达24小时。头痛时伴有左眼流泪和充血,无其它症状和体征。口服麦角胺制剂无效。在头痛活动期饮用一听
MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) can make non-invasive imaging of the cerebral arteries, has been used for cluster headache research. The authors looked at an example of MRA in alcohol-induced cluster headache patients before and at onset. Male patient, 25 years old. In the last eight years, episodes of paroxysmal supraorbital headache have been predominant in about 8 weeks of summer each year. Each headache an average of 1 hour, sometimes up to 24 hours. Headache accompanied by tears and congestion of the left eye, no other symptoms and signs. Oral ergotamine preparation is invalid. Drink a headache during the activity