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自五月中旬以来,我省雨量偏少,多数地区发生旱象,严重威胁着农作物的生长。尤其是晋西和晋西北沿黄河地区的旱灾情况更为严重,目前尚有几十万亩大秋作物因旱而未能下种。晋南和晋东南的复播,也受到很大影响。目前旱象仍然是发展趋势,据气象台预报,六月下旬到七月下旬雨量仍然偏少。面对这一严重情况,各级党政领导机关必须引起高度注意,要立即行动起来,坚持政治挂帅,充分发动与组织群众做好抗旱防旱工作,要千方百计地采取一切可能采取的措施,大力争取进行抗旱播种,力争各种作物能够正常或比较正常地生长,即使在发生严重旱灾的情况下农业生产也能夺得丰收。为此,特作如下通知: Since mid-May, there have been relatively few rainfall in our province, and the occurrence of drought in most areas has seriously threatened the growth of crops. In particular, the drought situation along the Yellow River in west Shanxi and northwestern Shanxi is even more serious. At present, there are still hundreds of thousands of mu of big autumn crops that have not been planted due to drought. Jinnan and southeast of the complex broadcast, but also greatly affected. The current dry weather is still the trend of development. According to the forecast by the meteorological observatory, rainfall in late June to late July is still below normal. In the face of this grave situation, the party and government leading organs at all levels must pay great attention to them. They must act immediately, adhere to the political leadership and fully mobilize and organize the masses in their work on drought relief and drought relief. They should do everything possible to take all possible measures and vigorously Struggling to sow seeds for drought resistance and strive for the normal and normal growth of various crops, agricultural harvests can be won even in the event of a severe drought. To this end, special make the following notice:
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防治农作物病虫害,当前仍以喷洒农药为主,但在生产实践中,常出现合格农药却使用效果不理想的情况。究其原因,有以下六点: Prevention and control of plant diseases and i
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