来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xd369426185
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Based on the inner character analysis of interpart, detail modification and assembly relation of mechanical connecting element, the idea, which extends the feature modeling of part to the interpart feature modeling for assembly purpose, is presented, and virtual-part-based connecting element modeling is proposed. During the assembly modeling, base parts are modified by the Boolean subtraction between the virtual part and the part to be connected. Dynamic matching algorithm, which is based on list database, is designed for dynamic extension and off-line editing of connecting part and virtual part, and design rules of connecting element is encapsulated by the virtual part. A prototyped software module for rapid design of connecting elements is implemented under self-developed CAD/CAM platform- SuperMan. Based on the inner character analysis of interpart, detail modification and assembly relation of mechanical connecting element, the idea, which extends the feature modeling of part to the interpart feature modeling for assembly purpose, is presented, and virtual-part-based connecting element modeling is the proposed modeling. base the parts are modified by the boolean subtraction between the virtual part and the part to be connected. Dynamic matching algorithm, which is based on list database, is designed for dynamic extension and off-line editing of connecting part and virtual part, and design rules of connecting element is encapsulated by the virtual part. A prototyped software module for rapid design of connecting elements is implemented under self-developed CAD / CAM platform-SuperMan.
生病求医这一简单至极的常识似乎连三岁的小孩也知道,提出这样一个话题,在许多人看来似乎不可思议:找医生看病,谁还不会? 然而,实际情况远不是如此简单,生病求医,决非一件简
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沈阳市卫生防疫站始建于1952年,是科研设备一流,科技人员荟萃、社会功能完善,具有相当规模的卫生防疫防病中心。 几十年来,通过开展食品卫生、公共场所卫生、饮水卫生、学校
为了初步探讨白纹伊蚊细胞色素P450 CYP6家族新基因分子进化机理,根据已获得的白纹伊蚊溴氰菊酯抗性株一新的细胞色素P450CYP6基因cDNA片段,设计反向引物,进行5’-cDNA末端快
谁的“人类”    一九九五年第九期《上海文学》发表李锐的随笔《谁的“人类”》。李锐通过一九八九年在美国召开的“中国文化研讨会”上一位白人教授对“中国艺术家只关心自己的创作怎样讨外国人喜欢”的抨击,提出“当中国的艺术家杰出而深刻地表达了自己的时候,为什么我们的表达只被看作是中国的而不是人类的”问题。李锐从卡夫卡与鲁迅作为比较对象。卡夫卡一九一二年创作了《变形记》(一九一五年发表);鲁迅一九一八年写