据最新的水力资源调查评价显示,河南省农村水力资源可开发量1 00.20万k W。截止201 3年底,全省已建成小水电站达到520座,总装机48.04万k W,装机容量占技术可开发量的47.94%。目前建成的电站存在差距和不足,大部分不能满足绿色水电发展需要。为了促进和保障水资源可持续利用,切实改善生态环境,河南省拟开展绿色小水电建设,在小水电行业内部开展绿色小水电试点工作。
According to the latest survey of water resources survey shows that rural hydropower resources in Henan Province to develop the amount of 1.002 million kW. By the end of 201 3, 520 hydropower stations have been built in the province, with a total installed capacity of 480.04 kW and an installed capacity of 47.94% of the technically developable capacity. Currently there are gaps and deficiencies in power plants built, most of which can not meet the needs of the development of green hydropower. In order to promote and ensure the sustainable utilization of water resources and effectively improve the ecological environment, Henan Province intends to launch green small hydropower construction and launch green small hydropower pilot projects within the small hydropower industry.