In the first, second and third installments of this year’s “China Calligraphy Communication,” a paper entitled “The Source of Calligraphic Beauty” by Mr. Bao Xiaozu was titled to explore the origins of calligraphic beauty, while the article only covered words, calligraphy and objective reality relationship. Mr. Bao may say: to find the text, the relationship between calligraphy and reality, not to find the origin of calligraphy beauty it? However, the fact is: the text, the relationship between calligraphy and reality, and the origin of calligraphy beauty is not an objective reality, is two Completely different concept. All art is the reflection (manifestation) of reality (direct, indirect, concrete, abstract, correct, incorrect), and all the artistic beauty is not the reflection of reality (or real beauty). This is obviously two different issues. Mix them into one thing, art