“抱客”(Free Hugs)是一种通过网络组织起来的人际交往活动,2001年起源于美国,2006年从澳洲走红互联网,同年传入中国,引起一定的社会反响。“抱客”的精神内涵在于如何对待陌生人,这不仅是一种社会人际行为规范,还体现出一个社会的进步程度,以及一个国家公民的社会安全感。同时,从“抱客”现象入手,还可以看到网络社会议程设置明显有别于传统议程设置理论的基本特点。
Free Hugs is a kind of social networking activities organized by the Internet. It originated in the United States in 2001, became popular in Australia in 2006 and was introduced into China in the same year, causing some social repercussions. The spirit of “holding customers” lies in how to treat strangers. This is not only a social norms of interpersonal behavior, but also reflects the degree of social progress and the social security of a national citizen. At the same time, starting with the phenomenon of “holding customers off”, we can also see that the setting of the social agenda on the Internet is obviously different from the basic features of the traditional agenda setting theory.