我们不能改变手中的牌,但可以决定如何出牌。——兰迪·鲍什7月25日早晨,美国卡耐基·梅隆大学的计算机系教授兰迪·鲍什(Randy Pausch)在家中逝世。他的“最后一课”视频在互联网上流传极广,被下载超过1000万次,译成7种语言,人们亲切地称他为“YouTube教授”。他逝世之后,无数人在网上纪念他。
We can not change the hand, but we can decide how to play. - Randy Pausch On the morning of July 25, Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, died at home. His “Last Lesson ” video spread widely over the Internet, being downloaded over 10 million times and translated into 7 languages, which people affectionately call him “YouTube Professor.” After his death, countless people commemorated him online.