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班长丁成福,我省武进籍战士.五年军龄,受过上级组织的十四次嘉奖.去年2月11日傍晚,为收复老山前线某据点,丁成福带领全班配合兄弟连,从我阵地前沿山脊上的狭窄通路,向被敌占领的某高地秘密前行,担负潜伏任务,准备待翌日凌晨奇兵突发,一举克敌.晚上7点50分,来到潜伏地点传递命令的战士陈明章不幸触雷,被一股巨大的气浪掀下断壁。丁成福立即过去抢救战友,也不幸触雷.他的心猛地一震,迅速将身体紧贴住地面,双眼盯住山头,注视 Ding Chengfu squad leader, Wujin nationality soldiers in our province .5 years of military age, fourteen times the superior organization awards .In the evening of February 11 last year, to reclaim the Laoshan frontline a stronghold, Ding Chengfu led the class with the brother company, from the forefront of my position on the ridge The narrow path to the occupied by a secret secretly forward to shoulder latent tasks in preparation for the sudden departure of soldiers in the early morning of the next day in one fell swoop.On the evening of 7:50 to reach the lurking location of the soldier Chen Mingzhang accidentally touched the thunder, Was a huge wave lift off the wall. Ding Chengfu immediate past to save his comrades, but also happy to touch the thunder, his heart suddenly startled, quickly close to the body live on the ground, his eyes fixed on the hill, watching
鸡蛋果(passiflora edulis)为西番莲科(passifloraceae),西番莲属(passi-flora).本属约有400余种,大都原产于热带美洲,其中约60种可供食用,其余为供观赏之草质藤木植物.常见
山东刘女士:我最近白带不正常,感觉像豆腐渣一样,外阴有烧灼感,检查说是霉菌性阴道炎。我平时很注意卫生,怎么会得阴道炎呢?我现在准备怀孕,不知道阴道炎会不会有影响? Shan