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在新闻理论研究中,有两个现象特别需引起注意.一是其论题总是十分集中,犹如新闻记者抢热点新闻,新闻理论的研究者也始终醉心于抢一些热门话题:说是要“与论监督”,转眼间风起云涌;说是要“正面报道为主”,刹那时铺天盖地.人人争先,个个奋勇,形成“干军万马过独木桥”的研究局面.不错,在学术研究中,无论哪一个学科,在特定时候特定背景下,或许都免不了有一个较为集中的论题,意在通过不同观点的碰撞、争论,达到深一层次的理解和共识.这并不足怪.怪就怪在新闻理论研究中,文章虽多,见解却少,“横看成岭侧看也成岭”.无非你讲两点,我提三条,看似花团锦簇,实乃豆腐一碗.以致于有好事者声称,了解某一新闻理论问题,看一斑就足知其全貌.话是刻薄了些,但决不是空穴来风.二是只述不作,有“理”无“论”,在众多的文章中,除少数外,大多都是就事论事,即兴发挥,充其量不过是某一文件、政策的诠释、注解和说明.在对文件或经典语录的摘章引句中,加上印证式的经验描述.更有甚者是轻下断语,今天风头下是一个调,明天风向变了又是另一副腔,只顾“抢时间”、“赶速度”,不惜以“今日之我与昨日之我战”,连科学研究必须“从事实的全部总和、从事实的联系去掌握事实”的基本要求都扔之一干二净.这样的研究,最终当然是“连儿戏 In the study of news theory, there are two phenomena that deserve special attention: First, the topics are always concentrated, just as journalists grab hot news, and researchers of news theory are always obsessed with grabbing hot topics: On supervision, “surging in the blink of an eye; that is, to” positive coverage of the main “, then overwhelming, everyone striving, all courageously formed a” dry army Wanma over a single bridge “research situation.Unfortunately, in academic research, No matter which discipline, in a particular background at a specific time may be inevitably have a more focused topic, intended to collision through different views, reached a deeper level of understanding and consensus .It is no surprise. News theory research, the article is numerous, but the opinion is less, ”cross-looking into the ridge side also become a ridge.“ Nothing more than you say two points, I mention three, seems to bloom, it is a bowl of tofu, so that there are good people Claiming that to understand a certain issue of journalistic theory can be clearly seen in the whole picture .It is a bit arrogant but it is by no means groundless .Secondly, there is no ”theory“ in ”reasoning“ and in many articles, A few, most are on the matter , Impromptu play, at best, but the interpretation of a document, policy, annotation and description of the document or the quotations of the quotations of the quotations of the classic quotation, coupled with proven empirical description, what is more, Under the limelight is a tone, the wind has changed tomorrow is another vice cavity, just ”grab the time“ and ”catch the speed“ at the ”today’s me and yesterday’s war on me“, and even scientific research must be ”all from the facts Sum, from the fact that the basic requirements of the link to grasp the facts “are tossed aside .This kind of research, of course, is” even children’s play
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