控制桃树过旺的营养生长,协调营养生长和生殖生长的关系,是提高桃树产量和品质的重要技术途径。三唑类生长调节剂出现给多种果树实现矮密栽培带来了希望。本文初步探索了多效唑对桃树幼、壮年树生长与结果和一些生理特征的影响。 一、材料与方法 试验在江西农业大学园艺系桃园内进
Control of peach vegetative growth, coordinating the relationship between vegetative and reproductive growth is an important technical way to improve peach yield and quality. The emergence of triazoles growth regulators has brought hope to diversification of fruit trees. This article initially explored the effect of paclobutrazol on the growth and fruiting of young and aged peach trees and some physiological characteristics. First, the material and method test in the Department of Horticulture, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Taoyuan inward