在现存元杂剧中有大量的剧本涉及家庭伦理题材 ,其中有 32部剧作描写了家庭生活中的夫妻关系 ,但却被许多研究者所忽视。这些剧作从伦理视角观察夫妻关系 ,对一夫多妻制进行了批判 ,肯定了婚姻忠贞观念 ,闪烁着璀璨的思想火花。但是男性中心主义的立场又使作品对夫妻关系的描写 ,打上了深刻的时代印记。
There are a large number of scripts in the existing Yuan Zaju involving family ethics, of which 32 plays describe the relationship between husband and wife in family life but are ignored by many researchers. These plays look at the relationship between husband and wife from an ethical perspective and criticize polygamy. They affirm the concept of loyalty to marriage and sparkle with bright ideas. However, the position of male-centered doctrine has marked the portrayal of the relationship between husband and wife and impressed the work with time.