据新华社消息 国内首台汽车驾驶机器人近日在南京问世。 随着汽车工业的迅猛发展,整车试验的难度越来越大,人工操作已难以适应。由南京汽车研究所和东南大学合作研制的高科技产品汽车驾驶机器人,可在计算机控制下娴熟地踩油门、踩刹车、踩离合器和变档换位,并能按一定的时间间隔反复操作,取代
According to Xinhua News Agency, the first car-driving robot in China came out in Nanjing recently. With the rapid development of the automobile industry, the vehicle test more and more difficult, manual operation has been difficult to adapt. Developed by Nanjing Automobile Research Institute and Southeast University, high-tech products developed by car driving robots can skillfully step on the accelerator, apply brakes, step on clutches and change gears under computer control, and can be repeatedly operated at certain intervals