On the Application of Intercultural Communication in English-Chinese Translation

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  Abstract:With the deepening of China’s opening up to the outside world,people and things in Western society have come into our vision more and more,in this case,cross-border,cross-ethnic,cross-cultural economic and social exchanges will be increasing,which provides us with many opportunities for contact and interaction with Westerners.This is a good thing to deepen our understanding of Western society,but it is not a simple thing,because we are faced with people from unfamiliar cultures and countries who have very different ways of thinking,living habits and behavior,and we need to fully understand them in the process of dealing with them,and in the process of translation,combine it with Chinese culture.
  Key Words:inter-cultural communication;translation;differences
  First,when English is translated into Chinese,the meaning of English is selective and extended.
  In English language,a word may have more than one meaning,and there are more than one Chinese word corresponding to it.In the process of English translation of cross-cultural communication,the first thing to determine the meaning of words according to the type of words,for example,We all have our sour ups and downs.人生总有起起落落。(Up is n..)Price are right upped by 20.价格上涨了20%。(Up is v..)
  Then,according to the habit of word matching to determine the meaning of words,mainly verbs and objects,adjectives and nouns.Chinese translation needs to be done according to the Chinese matching habits.For example,make a dress translates to 做一件衣服,and make a fire translates as 生火.In these two phrases with very different meanings,English uses the same verb make,and Chinese uses two different verbs.Therefore,in the process of cross-cultural communication,we should pay attention to the choice and extension of word meaning.
  Second,the translation of metaphors.
  Metaphor is a rhetorical technique.People often use this rhetoric when they speak or write to enhance the expression of language,or to make it vivid,or to make it beautiful,or have a special charm.
  But there are many differences between English and Chinese metaphors,and the two words that may express the same meaning are very different.Colors,animals and so on are different.For example,like a duck to water translates as 如魚得水,but where the duck is 鸭子.Cat in the Han culture generally describes the gentle girl,in the English culture but to describe the woman who harbours the evil heart.White is generally unlucky in Han culture,but sacred and noble in English culture.These translations are very different.This is due to the different background between the two cultures,different historical development,different social development and other factors.Therefore,in the process of cross-cultural communication,we should pay attention to understand the differences and connotations of culture,so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding.   Third,the translation of the polite language.
  Chinese pay attention to modesty,in communicating with people,to “humble people”,in others praising us,we tend to self-deprecating,to show modesty and courtesy.Western countries don’t have such cultural habits,and when they are praised,they are always happy to say “Thank You” to accept.Because of the cultural differences between China and the West,we think that Westerners are too confident and unassuming,and when Westerners hear Chinese deny others praise themselves will think Chinese dishonest.In cross-cultural communication,when Chinese is praised,cannot be translated into where.Just translate directly into thank you.
  Consequently,in cross-cultural communication,we should understand cultural differences from many aspects,such as region,religion and dietary habits,.In this way,the English translation of Chinese can avoid the cultural differences caused by ambiguity.So as to promote further communication between cultures and shorten the distance between people of different cultures.
  Xu Lisheng.Intercultural Communication in English(Revised Edition).Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2018.
  Zhang Zhenjiu.A Concise Course on English-Chinese & Chinese-English Translation.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2016.
  Liu Quanfu.English-Chinese Language Comparison and Translation.Beijing:Higher Education Press,2011.
  Dong Xiaobo.Introduction to Translation.Beijing:University of Foreign Economics and Trade Press,2012.
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摘 要:当今社会不仅只有经济处于快速发展的阶段,信息技术也在飞速的进步着,信息技术的发展带来了社会的变革,信息技术应用在了社会的各个领域,让整个社会都焕然一新。信息技术的发展对于艺术的影响是巨大的,它让艺术迈进了一个新的时代,尤其是在视觉传达设计领域。视觉传达设计本身就是追求视觉的效果,用视觉的效果来抓住人们的眼球,而在社会的不断发展下,人们的审美需求也在不断提升,新媒体技术应用于视觉传达设计恰好
摘 要:艺术在培养和提高人们的艺术美学和艺术欣赏方面发挥着重要作用。随着艺术在教育和社会发展领域的需求不断增加,人们对提高学生的艺术实践能力提出了更高的要求。艺术教育在加强学生实践能力方面也面临着更大的挑战。因此,分析和探讨艺术教育中提高学生实践能力的问题具有重要意义。  关键词:艺术教育;发展;文化素质  美术教学应该把文化素质培养放在首要位置,通过美术教学的文化渗透,加深学生对文化以及历史的认