凝炼特色 成就品牌——江西应用技术职业学院打造高职名校

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江西应用技术职业学院地处全国著名的生态园林城市——江西省赣州市,1958年5月建校,2010年被确立为国家骨干高职院校。2014年被确定为江西省7所应用技术型本科试点院校之一。学校现有在职教职工近1000人,专任教师487人,其中副高以上职称196人、教授41人。有1支国家级教学团队,3支省级教学团队。学院全日制在校生1.25万人。学校现有资源环境与珠宝学院、汽车学院、信息工程学院、建筑工程学院、测绘地理信息学院、材料工程学 Jiangxi Vocational College of Applied Technology is located in the famous ecological garden city - Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, founded in May 1958, 2010 was established as a national backbone of vocational colleges. In 2014, it was identified as one of the seven pilot technology-undergraduate colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province. The school currently employs nearly 1,000 faculty members, 487 full-time teachers, of whom 196 were associate professors and professors, 41 professors. There is a national teaching team, three provincial teaching team. College full-time students 12500 people. School of existing resources, environment and jewelry college, automotive college, information engineering college, college of architecture and engineering, geography and geomatics institute, material engineering
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