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为寻找我国室内装饰绘画的表现形式和技法,我到福建学习传统漆器工艺技术。学以致用,做了几幅小漆画。我向工人师傅学习了许多非常实际的工艺技术,为我后来在漆画工艺的探索上奠定了一个很好的基础。我也曾在北京、重庆、扬州等著名漆器产区观摩学习,并注意向日本等国家的漆画工艺借鉴。十几年来,经过反复实验,总结了一点新的漆器工艺技法,它不仅可用于人物画,还可以用于风景,花鸟画。这便丰富了漆画的表现能力。一个工艺美术工作者,要参加工艺实践,熟练掌握工艺技术。在设计时才能发挥工艺材料的艺术效果,在制作时才能得心应手。工艺操作中偶然的过失,往往促使新的工艺技法的诞生。要不断探求,才有可能发展新的为漆画艺术服务的工艺技术。每当我接触漆工艺时,脑子里就浮现画面,当我作画时,又自然联想到漆器工艺技法的可能。大漆是富有表现能力和潜在能力的 In search of the expression and technique of interior painting in our country, I went to Fujian to study the traditional craft of lacquer. Learn to apply, made a few small paint painting. I learned a lot of very practical process techniques from the worker master and laid a good foundation for my later exploration of the lacquer painting process. I have also been in Beijing, Chongqing, Yangzhou and other famous lacquer producing areas to observe learning, and pay attention to Japan and other countries learn from the paint process. More than a decade, after repeated experiments, summed up a little new lacquer craft techniques, it can be used not only figure painting, can also be used for landscapes, flowers and birds painting. This enriches the performance of lacquer painting. A arts and crafts workers, to participate in the practice of technology, master the technology. At design time to play the artistic effect of craft materials, can be handy when making. Accidental mistakes in the operation of the process often lead to the birth of new techniques. To constantly explore, it is possible to develop new paint art services for the arts and crafts. Whenever I touch the lacquer process, the picture appears in my mind. When I paint, I am naturally reminded of the possibility of lacquer technique. Lacquer is full of expressive ability and potential ability
In this paper, a Hierarchical Cellular System (HCS) supporting two classes of userswith high and low velocity is considered. Based on the analytical model of th
目的:掌握汕头市中心城区居民生活环境天然辐射外照射水平并估算居民暴露剂量. 方法:根据《环境地表γ辐射剂量率测定规范》 (GB/T 14583-93)和《辐射环境监测技术规范》(HJ
记述中国蚁科昆虫1新纪录属——支蚁属Cladomyrma Wheeler,W.M.1920及1中国新纪录种——岩支蚁Cladomyrma scopulosa Eguchi&Bui,2006.文中对新纪录属种进行描述,并提供了该