大豆根瘤菌肥的施用是一项能增强大豆自身固氮能力,提高大豆品质,增加大豆产量,施用方法简便,经济效益高的实用技术。黑龙江垦区1984—1988年累计施用面积已达60万亩,平均每亩增产7—8%,节约尿素1—2公斤,每亩的产投比为18—20:1。根瘤菌种具有专一性,必须选用与当地推广的大豆品种亲和性好的菌种,选优配对增产效率才高。如合丰25配用61A76或 E45
The application of soybean rhizobium fertilizer is a practical technology that can enhance the ability of soybean to fix nitrogen, improve the quality of soybean, increase the yield of soybean, the application method is simple and the economic benefit is high. Heilongjiang reclamation 1984 to 1988, the cumulative area has reached 60 million mu, an average yield of 7-8% per acre, saving 1-2 kg of urea, the mu production and investment ratio of 18-20: 1. Rhizobium species specificity, we must use and local varieties of soybean varieties with good compatibility, optimization and optimization of production efficiency is high. Such as Hefei 25 with 61A76 or E45