我们在网上注册一个账号或者用户名时,常会碰到检验码(或识别码),即一些字母或数字有些扭曲的字条,这就是美国卡内基·梅隆大学28岁的计算机科学家路易斯·梵·阿纳(Luis VonAhn)与他的论文指导老师Manuel Blum在2000年发明的。梵·阿纳最近摘得“麦克阿瑟天才奖”,并获得了50
When registering an account or user name online, we often encounter a check code (or identification code), that is, some distorted letters or numbers. This is the 28-year-old computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, Louis Vatican · Luis VonAhn and his essay mentor Manuel Blum invented in 2000. Van Ana recently won the MacArthur Genius Award and won 50