菜农种植萝卜的常规方法是在“头伏”按行距或穴距直播,对因腾茬晚的地块往往造成误播。1989年9月上旬,在我所0.02亩花生茬地作了萝卜育苗移栽试验,并取得了成功。现介绍一下具体方法。一、移栽 1.选苗与定植在萝卜的适播地,把拣下来的幼苗,挑选其中生长健壮、根无创伤、根毛发达的单株,及时地定植到预先挖好的坑穴里。之后,小水细浇,禁止大水漫灌,造成倒苗或浮苗现象。 2.栽植时间不能迟于9月上旬,选择
The usual way for vegetable growers to grow radish is to broadcast it live in the “head volts” by row spacing or hole pitch, often resulting in the wrong sowing of the plots due to the late blooms. In early September 1989, we conducted a radish seedling transplanting experiment on 0.02 mu of peanut stubble in our area and achieved success. Now introduce the specific method. First, transplanting 1.Selected seedlings and plantingIn radish sowing, the pick of the seedlings, picking robust growth, root trauma, root hair developed single plant, promptly planted in pre-dug pit. After the small water thinning, prohibit flood irrigation, resulting in falling seedlings or floating phenomenon. 2. Planting time can not be later than early September, choose