桔小实蝇Dacus(strumeta)dorsalis(Hendel)国外称东方果实蝇(Oriental F-ruit-fly),是果蔬的重要害虫,寄主范围较广,在我国台湾省终年为害。柑桔、杧果、番石榴、莲雾等30多种果树,均在被害之例,受害面积约10余万公顷。以幼虫为害果实,潜食果瓤,使果软腐,造成落果。据台湾省农林厅1983年12月公布,由于该虫所造成的损失,每年达20亿元(台币)左右。
Dacus (strumeta) dorsalis (Hendel) abroad that the Oriental fruit fly (Oriental F-ruit-fly), is an important pest of fruits and vegetables, host a wider range of pests in Taiwan Province of China all year long. Citrus, mango, guava, lotus and other more than 30 kinds of fruit trees, are victims of the victim area of about 10 million hectares. To larvae fruit damage, the potential food fruit 瓤, soft-roted fruit, resulting in falling fruit. According to the Taiwan Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Department announced in December 1983, the losses caused by this pest reach about 2 billion yuan (NT dollars) each year.