In the vast night sky, the brightest celestial body visible to the human naked eye is the moon. It is the closest celestial body to the Earth and the only natural satellite on Earth. Put aside the mysterious veil, the moon in the end what exactly is there life on the moon? What are the benefits of lunar development for humans? For thousands of years, mankind has been tirelessly observing and studying the moon. “Chang’e to the moon,” the beautiful legend, expressed the mankind’s longing for the moon, and now it has finally become a reality. On October 24, 2007, the “Chang’e One” probe flew to and fro on the moon. After four orbital changes, three braking and 326 hours of trekking, it began to fly around the moon about 200 kilometers away from the moon. November 26, “Chang’e One” moon satellite image released, marking the first success of our lunar exploration project!