由于老年保险的赔付率比较高,因此多年来国内没有专门针对老年人的险种。 保险公司为什么“望老却步”?一位业内人士道出苦衷:老年人身体状况较差,是疾病、死亡的多发群体,保险公司保的是“万一”而不是“一万”。国内一些保险公司发展历史较短,新的险种
Due to the relatively high rate of payment of the old-age insurance, no special insurance for the elderly has been introduced for many years in the country. Why does an insurance company “look old and discouraged”? An insider tells his true intentions: The elderly are in poor health condition and are multiple groups of diseases and deaths. The insurance company maintains “one in one” instead of “ten thousand”. Some domestic insurance companies have a short history of development and new types of insurance