【摘 要】
【机 构】
贵州省农科院旱粮所,贵州省农科院旱粮所,贵州省农科院旱粮所,贵州省农科院旱粮所,贵州省农科院旱粮所 贵阳,贵阳,贵阳,贵阳,贵阳
Through the calculation of the stability parameters ■, ■, bi and the interaction effect value (VL) ji, it is considered that the yield of the British × 330 and the No. 3 × 77,035-6 × 77 is lower but the stability is good A wide range of adaptation area; Xingyu one × white, single purple × 330 yield higher, but not stable enough, with special adaptability. Xingyu one × the white is the most suitable area Qianxi and Xifeng, and the only purple × 330 is Watertown and Anshun.
Haircell, the sound signal sensor in the auditory system, works in an environment full of noise. This noise has been demonstrated before to be a factor benefici
Local cascade (LC) scheme and space-time correlations are used to study turbulent structures and their convection behaviour in the near-wall region of compressi
随着素质教育的不断推进,美术在小学教育中的地位越发凸显。小学生对美术具有天然的兴趣,而且在早期启蒙教育中,小学生已有相当的美术基础,因此对于教师的教学来说是个优势。小学美术课程的顺利开展,对于素质教育的实施又能起到显著的助推作用。 然而,美术在有的小学仍然没有引起足够的重视,还存在领导敷衍、教师应付的情况,这显然不利于素质教育的切实开展,不利于小学生综合素养的提升。因此,小学要对美术教育充分重视
Measurements of energetic particles obtained by the two geosynchronous satellites (1991-080 and LANL-97A) are performed to investigate the plasma injection boun
今年5月27~31日,全国百余名玉米专家、科技人员汇集江苏扬州。他们除学术交流之外,还就我国当前玉米生产问题和今后发展战略进行了认真的讨论,提出以下几点建议。 一、玉米是
Stochastic resonance usually appears when stimulus is too weak to overcome barriers in a nonlinear system.Unusually, we demonstrate that in a simple comparator
We found and error in our previous report [Chin.Phys.Lett.26(2009)077809] conceing the JCPDS data which was used to compare with our data.
As the definition in the Letter,the preparation efficiency should be calculated according to Eq.(2).However,the data in Fig.4 were not divided by spoD2=0.15,whi
Enlightened by the work of Yeo and Chua [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 060502] for teleportation and dense coding with genuine multipartite entanglement, we presen