众所周知 ,中国南方是全世界鼻咽癌最高发的地区 ,但儿童鼻咽癌却相对少见 ,由于儿童鼻咽癌的发病机制、病因学、生物学特性、临床表现及治疗、预后等方面与成人鼻咽癌有许多不同的特点 ,为此 ,我们结合最近国内外文献对儿童鼻咽癌临床研究进展 ,综述如下。1 发病情况鼻咽癌是
As we all know, southern China is the highest incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the world, but children are relatively rare nasopharyngeal carcinoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma in children due to the pathogenesis, etiology, biological characteristics, clinical manifestations and treatment, prognosis, and adults Nasopharyngeal carcinoma has many different characteristics, therefore, we combine the recent domestic and foreign literature on the progress of clinical research in children with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, summarized as follows. 1 incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is