In this paper, under the conditions of stochastic demand and demand determination respectively, the retailer’s fair preference behavior and the fairness preferences of the retailer adopting the FS fairness preference model and the BO fairness preference model are analyzed. The optimal order quantity, retail price, supplier profit, retailer profit and supply chain The impact of coordination. The research shows that the wholesale price contract can not achieve the supply chain coordination under the condition of definite demand, but it can coordinate the supply chain under the condition of stochastic demand. When the demand is a deterministic linear demand function, regardless of the retainer’s fair preference intensity, The total profit of the supply chain does not change. The retailer’s fair preference behavior only changes the profit distribution among the members of the supply chain, thus playing the role of channel profit distribution mechanism. In addition, retailers tend to adopt the FS fairness preference model, while suppliers want retailers to choose the BO fairness preference model.