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仡佬语属壮侗语族仡央语支,是横跨中国贵州、云南、广西和越南的一种少数民族语言,主体民族广泛分布在贵州境内。据田野调查的结果,仡佬语是一种濒危语言。贵州的居都仡佬语是唯一保存最完好的仡佬语方言,因其全民使用还保持一定活力,但其代际语言能力差异比较大,衰退速度仍然很快。双语教学是挽救或延缓仡佬语消亡的最有效的方法。然而仡佬语的双语教学难度很大,一是没有文字,二是没有教材,三是没有师资,四是没有配套的考核办法,五是没有相应的激励机制,这些问题是开展仡佬语双语教学的核心问题。 The Mulao language belongs to the Zhuang language group of the Zhuang and Dong ethnic groups. It is a minority language spanning China’s Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi and Vietnam. Its main ethnic groups are widely distributed in Guizhou. According to the results of a field survey, Gelao language is an endangered language. The Gua lao language in Guizhou is the only best preserved dialect in the country, which is still very dynamic because of its universal use. However, its intergenerational language ability varies greatly, and the recession rate is still very fast. Bilingual teaching is the most effective way to save or delay the demise of Gelao language. However, the bilingual teaching of Gelao language is very difficult. First, there is no text. Second, there is no teaching material. Third, there is no teacher. Fourth, there is no matching assessment method. Fifth, there is no corresponding incentive mechanism. These problems are bilingual education key problem.
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