According to pathology, acute pancreatitis can be divided into edema type and hemorrhagic necrosis type, and the latter mortality rate can reach 40 to 70%. Our hospital has adopted regular pancreatic resection surgery since 1981 and achieved good results. Now we have reported the pathology of 21 specimens received by our department as follows. The clinical data were 11 males and 10 females, male: female = 1.1:1. Age 15-70 years old, average 51.9 years old, 40-70 years old is the most common. There were 5 patients who came to the hospital within 24 hours after symptoms appeared, 6 within 24 to 48 hours, 4 within 48 to 72 hours, and 6 people over 72 hours. Pancreatic lesions seen in the operation: (1) All necrosis, collapse, dark gray color. (2) The superficial part is necrotic, grayish black and dark red. (3) Shallow gray red, deep tissue necrosis. (4) Severe swelling, anteroposterior diameter> 5cm, purple brown, scattered yellowish patches. Of the 21 patients in this study, 16 had significant extrapancreatic invasion of the pancreas and had intra-abdominal cloudiness or bloody exudate (4