患儿,男,9岁,体重32 kg,主因左侧肢体麻木无力1年,加重15 d就诊。查体:神清语利,瞳孔2.0 mm,对光反射灵敏,颈软无抵抗,心肺未见异常,感觉系统检查正常,四肢肌张力Ⅴ级,双侧巴氏征阴性,头颅MRI检查提示(1)颅底动脉环多发细小、狭窄伴多发侧支循环形成,于颅底可见烟雾状血管团符合烟雾病;(2)右侧大脑前动脉A1段管腔细小,左侧大脑前动脉A1段似隐约可见。脑
Children, male, 9 years old, weighing 32 kg, mainly due to weakness in the left limb numbness 1 year, 15 days treatment. Physical examination: God Qing language Lee, pupil 2.0 mm, sensitive to light reflex, neck soft non-resistance, no abnormal heart and lungs, sensory system check normal, limb muscle tension Ⅴ grade, bilateral Pakistan’s sign negative, 1) The skull base artery rings were mostly small and narrow with multiple collateral circulation. The smoky blood ganglion was found on the skull base in line with moyamoya disease. (2) The segment of right anterior cerebral artery was small and the left anterior cerebral artery segment A1 Seemingly vaguely visible. brain