提出并实现了一种应用于路由器的公平排队算法——补偿型轮询调度算法。该算法在逐包调度的基础上采用补偿措施 ,在处理一个包仅需 O( 1 )的运算量条件下 ,获得了输出带宽的近似公平共享。性能分析表明 ,该算法能够有效地实现公平调度 ,阻止个别违约用户过度占用输出带宽。该算法应用于国家 863计划重大课题核心路由器—— Omni Router880的研制中 ,样机验收测试结果表明 ,补偿型轮询调度算法具有良好的性能。
Proposed and implemented a fair queuing algorithm applied to routers - compensated polling scheduling algorithm. The algorithm uses compensation measures on a packet-by-packet basis and obtains approximately fair sharing of the output bandwidth under the condition that only one O (1) operation is required to process one packet. Performance analysis shows that the proposed algorithm can achieve fair scheduling effectively and prevent individual users with excessive default from occupying output bandwidth. The algorithm is applied in the development of Omni Router880, a key project of National 863 Program. The test results of prototype acceptance test show that compensated polling scheduling algorithm has good performance.