▲1973.11 经周恩来总理批准,由任建新率领的中国代表团出席世界知识产权组织领导机构会议。回国后,任建新向中央提出了在中因建立专利制度的建议。 ▲1978 国务院责成国家科委负责筹建专利制度的各项准备工作。 ▲1979 国家科委开始举办专利干部学习班,为建立专利制度做准备。 ▲1979.3 我国成立专利法起草小组。
▲ 1973.11 With the approval of Premier Zhou Enlai, a Chinese delegation led by Ren Jianxin attended the meeting of leading bodies of the World Intellectual Property Organization. After returning to China, Ren Jianxin put forward to the Central Committee the suggestion on establishing a patent system in China. ▲ 1978 The State Council instructed the State Science and Technology Commission to take charge of preparing for the patent system. ▲ 1979 State Science and Technology Commission started to hold seminars on patent cadres in preparation for the establishment of the patent system. ▲ 1979.3 China set up a drafting group of patent law.