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<正> 广告是商品经济的产物。商品经济愈是发达,越需要广告做产品的代言人,伴随而来的是各种广告发布媒体的发达。电视、报刊、路牌、车体、甚至农家院墙……几乎有人群的地方就挤满了广告。而广告资源的稀缺,导致媒体竞争越来越激烈。同是媒体的党报是党的喉舌,也需开发广告资源,承担起为企
<正> ◇在政法报道中,要坚持正确的舆论导向,必须时刻注意把握好宣传中的&#39;度&#39;,也就是要注意宣传报道的时机、角度、分寸、力度等问题。要注意防止一种倾向掩盖另一种
A Leverrier-like algorithm is presented which allows the computation of the transfer function of a linear regular system from its m-D state-space description,wi
<正> 新闻写作讲求简洁。在所有的写作形式中,新闻的用词是最简洁的。新闻大量用短句、简单的词汇,其目的只有一个,在最短的时间内,提供最大量清晰易懂的信息。但简洁不等于
The mathematical model of semiconductor devices is described by the initial boundary value problem of a system of three nonlinear partial differential equations
<正>The momentary state of a semiconductor device is described by a system of three nonlinear partial differential equations. A finite difference scheme for sim
The aim of this paper is to study the weak integral convergence of Kergin interpolation. The results of the weighted integral convergence and the weighted (part
In this paper, a new collocation BEM for the Robin boundary value problem of the conductivity equation ▽(γ▽u) = 0 is discussed, where the γ is a piecewise c