患儿女,生后4天。第1胎,足月顺产,旧法接生,无窒息。生后第2天患儿双手指端发紫,指甲周周有脓性分泌物。当晚,左手食、中指指甲脱落,患儿哭闹不安,拒食,不伴发热及呕吐。体温36.3℃,脉搏140次/分,呼吸36次/分,体重2.75kg,哭声响亮,皮肤无脓疱及皮疹。双手十指末端均发绀,指甲周围均有脓性分泌物,指甲发黑。左手食、中指指甲缺如,小指甲松动。右手食指,无名指指甲松动,并翘起。双足趾均呈肉红色,趾甲完好。WBC 7.8×10~9/L,中性
Children with children, 4 days after birth. The first child, full-term natural delivery, the old method of delivery, no asphyxia. On the second day after birth, children with both fingers purple hair, purulent secretions around the nails week. That night, left hand food, finger nails off, children crying uneasy, antifeedant, without fever and vomiting. Body temperature 36.3 ℃, pulse 140 beats / min, breathing 36 beats / min, body weight 2.75kg, crying loud, no pustular skin and rash. The ends of both fingers are cyanotic, purulent secretions around nails, nails black. Left hand food, missing middle finger nails, small nails loose. Right index finger, ring finger nails loose, and tilt. Both toes were red meat, toenails intact. WBC 7.8 × 10 ~ 9 / L, neutral