战胜自我永争第一 我出生在山东省潍坊市寒亭区一个普通的小村庄。像许多农村的孩子一样拥有一个平淡且无忧无虑的童年。说它平淡,是因为至今回忆起孩提时代的时候,没有一件让我刻骨铭心的事情;说它无忧无虑,一是小孩子思想单纯,心情愉快地生活,二是父母极力给我创造一个良好的环境。虽说是在农村,也有许多的农活,但父母只是让我做好自己的事情,那就是学习文化。可我的学习并未让父母自豪过。其实,小学四年级的时候,我就已经开始显露出心肺功能突出的运动天赋,学校组织长跑、越野跑比赛,我总能拿第一,尤其让大家惊异的是我跑完后没事,不像大多数同学那样气
The first victory over self-defeating I was born in Hanting District, Weifang City, Shandong Province an ordinary small village. Like many rural children have a plain and carefree childhood. To say that it is dull is because there is no memorable thing to recall when I was a kid in my life. I said it was carefree. First, the children had simple thoughts and happy life. Second, my parents tried my best to create a good environment. Although it is in rural areas, there are many farm work, but parents just let me do their own thing, that is, learning culture. My study did not make my parents proud. In fact, the fourth grade, I have already begun to show outstanding sports heart and lung function, school long-distance running, cross-country race, I always get the first, in particular, so that we are amazed that nothing happened after running, unlike Most students are so angry