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同志们:我们现在庆祝中华人民共和国成立以后第一个五一劳动节,我们是感到十分兴奋的。因为在已往的年代,除开解放区外,中国大多数的劳动人民在庆祝自己的节日——五一劳动节的时候,不独是不能受到政府的保护,相反,还要受到反动政府的严厉禁止,劳动人民只能在反动军队和特务警察的严密监视之下,并和他们进行不顾牺牲的斗争的条件之下,才能举行庆祝与度过自己的节日。但是中国劳动人民在庆祝今年五一劳动节的时候,情形就完全不同了。五一劳动节已被中央人民政府订为国家最重要的合法节日之一,并命令工厂、作坊、机关、学校和人民解放军的部队在这一天放假,人民的军队和警察不独不会来禁止人民举行庆祝与游行,相反,他们将和人民一道参加庆祝与游行。保护劳动人民在安静和欢乐的情形之下来庆祝自己的五一劳动节,乃是人民政府的职责。这就是说,中国大多数的劳动人民从有史以来才第一次在自己政府的保护之下,在自由欢乐的情景之中,庆祝自己的节日。这怎能不使我们和全中国的劳动人民感到十分的兴奋和骄傲呢! Comrades: We are very excited now that we celebrate the first Labor Day after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. For in the past years, except for the liberated areas, most working people in China celebrated their own festival May Day not only because they could not be protected by the government, but rather by the reactionary government’s strict prohibition and labor Only when the people, under the close surveillance of the reactionary military forces and spy police, engage in sacrificing struggles against them can the people celebrate and spend their own holidays. However, when the working people in China celebrated Labor Day this year, the situation was totally different. Labor Day has been set by the Central People’s Government as one of the most important legal holidays in the country and ordered factories, workshops, institutions, schools and people’s Liberation Army troops to take a day off on this day. The people’s army and the police alone will not ban the people On the contrary, they will join the people in celebrations and marches. It is the responsibility of the people’s government to protect the working people’s celebration of Labor Day under quiet and happy conditions. This means that for the first time ever, most of the working people in China celebrate their own festivals in the context of free joy under the protection of their own government. How can we not be very excited and proud of us and the working people throughout China?
井盖 地点:北京、西安、上海、南京等一黄岩拓印艺术作品
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