“年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年车不同”。一年一度的世界十佳摩托车评选总是早早地令无数车迷和厂家翘首以盼,拭目以待!2006年十佳花落谁家的悬念终于尘埃落定。2006年7月,来自6国11家大公司的首脑和代表们再一次聚集到美国芝加哥参加2006年第31届世界十佳摩托车颁奖典礼,星光灿烂的十佳摩托车巨型金质奖章悬挂在主席台正中央。本田、雅马哈、铃木、川崎、凯旋、KTM、BMW 和胡斯瓦纳8家公司的摩托车终于等来了绿色橄榄枝,分别获此殊荣,成为今年令人艳羡的幸运儿。此外,还有 KTM、本田、摩托古兹、杜卡迪、哈利5家公司的摩托车分别获得1项优胜奖。随着科技的进步,时代的发展,近年来参赛车的产品
“Year of the year flowers are similar, different from year to year car ”. The annual selection of the world’s top ten motorcycles is always ahead of countless fans and manufacturers highly anticipated, wait and see! 2006 Top Ten who suspense finally settled. In July 2006, heads of state and deputies from 11 large companies in six countries once again gathered in Chicago to attend the 31st 2006 Top Ten Motorcycle Awards Ceremony in Hong Kong. The star-studded Top Ten Motorcycle Giant Medal of Gold was hoisted The podium is the center. Motorcycles from eight companies including Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Triumph, KTM, BMW and Huswana finally came out with green olive branches and won the honors this year. In addition, KTM, Honda, Motoyuguzi, Ducati, Harry 5 companies each won a motorcycle win. With the progress of science and technology, the development of the times, in recent years participating car products