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“画人物以得其性情为妙,东丹此图,不惟尽其形态,而人犬相习,又得于笔墨丹青之外,为可珍也。”录自《试古堂书画汇考》[松雪论画]这是松雪论画文章中的最后一部分,强调绘画得其性情者为可珍也,在他的绘画作品中将师古与创新相结合,将高逸的士夫气息和散逸的文人气息融于一体,并不拘泥于人物的外部形态,而是注重把握人物的性情本质,真正的把有价值的生命气息展现出来。全文即围绕“得其性情为妙”这条主线展开的,“得其性情之妙”是一种创作状态下的产物。我原以为大美是源于人本性的,而归乎于人本行的,更要求于自身的崇高。这种崇高更趋向于抽象,而不是表述的。在形体的无穷表现力下,势必蕴藏着更深、更精妙的内容,这也正是许多的艺术大师们所要追求的性情之妙。只停留在形的制作上,是不能触及人心灵的。中国绘画讲述的意韵是物象之外的气息,是所要表达对象的性情之象。尽管它必然是先建立于外形之上,可能是用笔墨、线条表现其外在形体,某些创作且需要很逼真的形体和赋色来支撑。我们在看画的时候,难道是真的被逼真的再现所感动吗?这样的感动是视觉上的感动,倘若视觉上的感动使你的眼球疲乏时,人们对作品情趣的要求,对每一笔线条里所带出的气质,对在画面里无以言表的感受力的追求就会越发强烈。 “To draw characters to be their temperament is wonderful, this picture of Dongdan, not only to do its best form, and humans and dogs get along, but also in the pen out of Danqing, can be Jane also.” “[Pine Snow painting] This is the last part of Song Xue’s painting article, emphasizing the character of the painting can be Jane also, in his paintings will be a combination of teacher and innovation, the high Si Shi Shi breath and Sense of harmony of scholar melting into one, do not rigidly adhere to the external form of the characters, but focus on the nature of the character of the character, the real life of the valuable breath of the show. The full text that is around the main line of ”get its temperament is wonderful“, ”get its wonderful nature " is a creative state of the product. I originally thought that the Great Beauty originated from the human nature, but due to the people’s deeds, I even claimed the loftiness of myself. This sublimity tends to be abstract, not expressive. In the form of infinite expression, there is bound to contain a deeper and more subtle content, which is what many art masters are to pursue the wonderful nature. It is impossible to touch the heart of human beings only in the making of shapes. The meaning of rhyme in Chinese painting is the atmosphere outside the object and the image of the nature of the object to be expressed. Although it must first be based on the appearance, it may be characterized by lines and ink, some of its creations and the need of realistic body and color to support it. When we are painting, is it really touched by the realistic reproduction? This move is visually moving, if the visual impact of your eye tired, people’s taste for the work, for each Temperament brought out of the pen line, the pursuit of indescribable sensibility in the screen will be more intense.
为了研究中国西北植物遗传多样性和第四纪气候变化对其进化进程的影响,我们选择了半日花(Helianthemum songaricum)、河西菊(Hexinia polydichotoma)两种植物,运用叶绿体基因