合成了离子液体N-甲基吡咯烷酮磷酸二氢盐([Hnmp]H_2PO_4),并用红外光谱对其结构进行表征。以焦化柴油为原料,考察其对油品中碱性氮化物的脱除性能,结果表明,离子液体[Hnmp]H_2PO_4能够有效脱除焦化柴油中的碱性氮化物,在剂油质量比为1∶7,反应温度为30℃,反应时间为30 min的条件下,焦化柴油中碱性氮化物的脱除率为93.97%,此时精制油中碱氮质量分数为35μg/g。该离子液体在回收利用4次后,脱氮率仍可达到83%以上。
The ionic liquid N-methylpyrrolidone dihydrogen phosphate ([Hnmp] H 2 PO 4) was synthesized and its structure was characterized by IR. The results showed that [Hnmp] H_2PO_4 can effectively remove basic nitrides in coking diesel oil. When the mass ratio of oil to oil is 1 : 7, the reaction temperature is 30 ℃, the reaction time is 30 min, the removal rate of basic nitrides in coking diesel oil is 93.97%. At this time, the content of basic nitrogen in refined oil is 35μg / g. After the ionic liquid is recycled for 4 times, the nitrogen removal rate can still reach more than 83%.