友邦与中资寿险公司形成“冰火两重天”背后的深层次原因, 是战略选择的差别 2002-2003年,当以泰康人寿等为代表的中资寿险公司在一片“狼来了”的呼声中,跑马圈地、大力发展分支机构的时候,友邦(AIG在中国的寿险机构)却受政策的限制偏安一隅,只在京广沪等地设立了2家分公司和3家支公司。然而,尽管分支机构数量相差悬殊,友邦在中国4个省和直辖市(广东部分布局、
The Deep Reasons Behind the “Two Days of a Cold and the Coma” between AIA and Chinese-funded Life Insurance Companies are the Differences in Strategic Choice In 2002-2003, when the Chinese-funded life insurance company represented by Taikang Life Insurance was in a cry of “the wolf was coming” However, when AIA’s life insurance agency in China is greatly impacted by the policy, it has only set up two branches and three branch companies in Beijing, Guanghu and other places. However, despite the wide disparity in the number of affiliates, AIA in some provinces and municipalities in China (Guangdong part of the layout,