针对大秦线重载铁路道岔固定辙叉的磨耗问题,运用有限元法求解机车车轮与12号高锰钢辙叉接触问题,分析了不同情况下车轮与辙叉的接触斑面积、接触轨迹、等效应力和轮心垂向位移的变化规律。计算结果表明:磨耗后车轮与辙叉的接触斑面积大于标准车轮,磨耗后车轮与磨耗后的辙叉能更好匹配;车轮从翼轨向心轨过渡的过程中,辙叉的等效应力由900 MPa增加到1 300 MPa,超过材料的屈服极限产生塑性变形;轮心的最大垂向位移为8 mm,使车轮过叉的平顺性能恶化。
In view of the wear of the fixed frog on the heavy duty railway turnout on the Daqin Railway, the contact problem between the locomotive wheel and the 12th high manganese steel frog is solved by the finite element method. The contact patch area, contact trajectory, etc. of the wheel and the frog in different situations are analyzed Effective stress and vertical displacement of wheel center. The results show that the area of contact patch between the wheel and the frog is larger than that of the standard wheel after wear, and the worn wheel and worn frog can be better matched. The equivalent stress of frog during the transition from the wing rail to the heart rail, Increasing from 900 MPa to 1300 MPa, plastic deformation occurs beyond the yield limit of the material. The maximum vertical displacement of the wheel center is 8 mm, which deteriorates the ride comfort of the wheel crosses.