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明代中叶,青岛湾畔,青岛河入海口的青岛村,开放为海上贸易的港口,称青岛口;清代中期以后,日趋繁荣设立了东海关分关,在今大学路至龙江路一带形成市港,有几十家商店作坊,但1897年德国占据青岛口一带,做为胶澳租借地,青岛市镇除原总兵衙门、天后宫两处房屋外,原中国人房屋尽行拆除。德国当局将胶澳租借地市区划分为限欧美人建房居住的青岛区及中国人居住的鲍岛区,二者以德县路、观象山、信号山为界。中国政府收回青岛以后,昔日青岛港一带房屋居民日渐增多,在龙口路、常州路之间建了一处简易市场,它处于当时市区的东方,叫东方市场。1929年以来,金口一、二、三路陆续建成,龙山、龙江、龙华路民居增多,1930年青岛山东大学开学,“青大”、“二中”、“青中”等师生均在这一带,简易的东方市场重新设计改建。由财政局与房地产商签订了协议,经审批后,按市场建筑,房地产商有14年经营权,到期后,房权交由市政府。东方市场1932年重新召租开业,市场 The middle of the Ming Dynasty, Qingdao Bay, the Qingdao River into the sea of ​​Qingdao Village, opening for the maritime trade port, said the Qingdao port; Qing Dynasty intermediate period, the increasingly prosperous set up the East China Customs branch, in today’s University Road to the formation of Longjiang Road area The city of Hong Kong, there are dozens of shops, but in 1897 Germany occupy the Qingdao port area, as a plastic Macau rental, Qingdao city in addition to the original Zhanbing Yamen, Thean Hou Temple two houses, the original Chinese house to do as far as possible removal. The German authorities divide the urban area of ​​Giaowao leasing into the areas of Qingdao where the European and American people reside and the Chinese live in Bao’ao District, both of which are bound to Dexian Road, Guanshan Mountain and Signal Hill. After the Chinese government reclaimed Qingdao, the population of houses and housing in the former port area of ​​Qingdao grew steadily. A simple market was built between Longkou Road and Changzhou Road. It was in the eastern part of the urban area at that time and was called the Oriental Market. Since 1929, Jinkou one, two and three gradually completed, Longshan, Longjiang, Longhua Road dwellings increased in 1930 Qingdao Shandong University, “Green ”, “” in "And other teachers and students are in this area, simple Oriental market re-design and reconstruction. By the Financial Bureau signed an agreement with the real estate, after approval, according to market construction, real estate business has 14 years, after the expiration, the right to the city government. Oriental market re-opened in 1932 opened the market
一、国际工程咨询业动向调查表明 ,工程咨询服务目前在全球已形成了一个年营业额达4220亿美元的产业 ,行业产值占全球固定资本形成总额的比例达到6 4 %。全球工程咨询市场主要由工
水力发电在世界上依然是最为重要的再生能源,占世界发电量的18.5%。全世界水电资源理论蕴藏量为40 000 TW·h/a,其中,技术可开发量为13000TW·h/a,经济可开发量为8800TW·h/
世界观察研究所 ( World watch Institute)最近发表的《2 0 0 3年世界状况报告》称 ,只要企业界、公共团体和政府通力合作 ,世界经济可持续增长可以预期 ,不一定要等待一些全