(1)成长性高。化工新材料主要包括通用工程塑料、有机硅材料、有机氟材料、特种工程塑料、聚氨酯、聚烯烃改性材料、功能高分子材料、复合材料、碳纤维及膜材料等。与化工新材料相关的行业包括化工新材料所需的关键原料及下游加工行业等。近年来 ,我国化工新材料消费呈现出高速
(1) High growth. New chemical engineering materials include general engineering plastics, organic silicon materials, organic fluorine materials, special engineering plastics, polyurethanes, polyolefin modified materials, functional polymer materials, composite materials, carbon fibers, and membrane materials. Industries related to new chemical materials include key raw materials needed for new chemical materials and downstream processing industries. In recent years, the consumption of new chemical materials in China has shown high speed