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后有追兵,前有路障,夹缝中的王玉锁必须付出比国有企业更大的代价和勇气进行技术研发,才能为新奥找到突围之路河北廊坊,王玉锁坐在自己宽大的办公室里笑容满面。他胖了。与前几年跑马圈地的风光相比,这位新奥集团董事局主席已甚少在媒体露面。尤其是2012年联手中石化对中国燃气(00384.HK)的收购计划受挫后,王变得更加低调。“孰轻孰重,我比你更清楚。”提及那次收购,王玉锁马上收起笑容,一字一顿地说,“没有什么教训,新奥对中国燃 After the pursuit of soldiers, the former roadblocks, caught in the Wang Yusuo must pay more than the state-owned enterprises and the courage to carry out technological research and development in order to find a breakthrough for the new Austrian path Langfang, Hebei, Wang Yusuo sat in his spacious office smile. He is fat. Compared with the scenery of a few years ago, the new chairman of the Austrian Group has rarely appeared in the media. In particular, King was even more modest after the setback of Sinopec’s acquisition of China Gas (00384.HK) in 2012 was frustrated. ”Which is more important than yours, I am clearer than you.“ ”Referring to the acquisition, Wang Yusong immediately put away his smile, said word by word, " no lesson, the new Austrian on China’s burning