患者女性 ,42岁。因中上腹痛 3个月在院外胃镜检查 ,发现胃体后壁一个 0 6cm× 0 8cm的A1期溃疡 ,诊断为胃体溃疡并用抗溃疡药物治疗 1个月 ,症状无缓解而转入我院。入院查体 :除中上腹轻度压痛外无其它阳性体征。腹部B超 :肝胆胰脾未发现异常。我院胃镜检查 :胃体后壁
Female patient, 42 years old. After 3 months of epigastric pain due to abdominal pain in the hospital, we found an A1 ulcer of 0 6cm× 0 8cm in the posterior wall of the corpus. It was diagnosed as ulcer of the corpus and was treated with anti-ulcer drugs for 1 month. Symptoms were not relieved but transferred to our hospital. . Admission examination: There were no other positive signs except mild tenderness in the upper abdomen. Abdominal B ultrasound: No abnormalities were found in hepatobiliary and spleen. Gastroscopy in our hospital: posterior body of the stomach