沙钢 走在行业的最前沿

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到过沙钢的人都说:来到沙钢,感觉不到冶金行业不景气。这并不是说沙钢是片世外桃源,而是表明沙钢能忧患在前,奋进在先,靠抓技改创新,新品开发,内部管理,把企业发展得如火如荼,生气蓬勃。 近两年,在钢材市场再度下滑的情况下,沙钢狠抓结构调整,致力技改创新。1998年,沙钢果断关闭一炼车间,并停开几条轧钢生产线,投入巨资加以改造,同时组织技术骨干,开展小改小革,“四新”应用活动。全年,共有86项革新项目效果显著,累计减损创效达4068万元,其中突出的有永新连轧分段飞剪前移;二炼车间电炉炉衬综合砌筑;650轧钢车间负偏差控制方式改造。这三项技改为企业创效均超过300万元/年。技改创新结出硕果,1999年到4月底止,沙钢又立项小改小革项目95项,预计增效将逾6000万元。 People who have been to Shagang say: Came to Shagang, feel the downturn in the metallurgical industry. This is not to say that Shagang is a paradise for the world but shows that Shagang can make progress in the first place and rely on technical innovations, new product development and internal management to bring the company into full swing and full of vigor. In the past two years, with the steel market declining again, Shagang paid close attention to structural adjustment and devoted itself to technological innovation. In 1998, Shagang decidedly closed a refining workshop and stopped a few steel rolling production lines and invested heavily to transform it. At the same time, it organized the technical backbone to carry out the application of “small change, small change and small change, and” four new "applications. During the year, a total of 86 innovation projects achieved remarkable results, with a total impairment of 40.68 million yuan, of which, there was a remarkable advance of the segment flying shears of Yongxin Continuous Rolling Mill; comprehensive lining of the electric furnace lining of the second refining plant; negative deviation control of 650 rolling mill workshop Modification. These three technical innovations for enterprises are more than 3000000 yuan / year. Technological innovation has yielded fruitful results. From the end of 1999 to the end of April, Shagang has also approved 95 small-scale and small-leather projects, with a projected efficiency increase of over 60 million yuan.
原发性三叉神经痛为临床常见疾病,据国外文献报道,其发病率约为4/10万人口/年。面肌抽搐亦不少见,但两者并存的报道甚少,现将我科遇到的2例报告如下: 例1:患者刘××,男,54
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