Nutritional material is the material basis of the human body (human brain), which is also the basis of the human body’s ability to resist diseases. We know that children in the brain development stage, if insufficient nutrition will lead to permanent brain development deformation; children with long-term malnutrition susceptible to a variety of diseases such as measles, tuberculosis and so on. Nutrition and children’s brain development and immune system are closely related. The best source of nutrition for children is food. To give children adequate nutrition, should pay attention to a reasonable diet. Children at different stages of their growth, nutrition supply is not the same. Preschoolers generally refer to children 4-6 years of age before entering primary school. Preschool children’s diet and infant diet difference is that growth and development slowed down, the need for heat, protein, water, etc. are relatively reduced. On the other hand due to enhanced digestion, students