利用光学和扫描电子显微镜观察结果表明,经琼脂生根培养基诱导产生的长富—2苹果 (Malus pumila Mill.) 试管苗的不定根起源于维管形成层。这种不定根发育不良,根表面缺乏根毛,内部解剖构造为典型的初生结构。为避免因不定根吸收、运输能力差而影响试管苗移栽成活,宜采用通透性良好的基质进行瓶内或瓶外生根,可诱导出优质不定根。
Optical and scanning electron microscopic observations showed that adventitious roots of Malus pumila Mill. Plantlets induced by agar rooting medium originated in the vascular cambium. This adventitious root dysplasia, the root surface of the lack of root hair, the internal anatomy of the typical primary structure. In order to avoid adventitious root absorption, poor transport capacity affect the transplanted survival of test tube seedlings, should adopt a good permeability of the substrate for bottle or bottle rooting can induce high-quality adventitious roots.