苏联民族歌舞怀旧经典之夜时间:2014年12月28日(周日)地点:广州大剧院歌剧厅5环球资讯tGlobal Information俄罗斯亚历山大红旗歌舞团,是俄罗斯级别最高、规模最大、历史最悠久、最负盛名的军队歌舞艺术团体。建团85年来,足迹几乎遍及七大洲,曾在70多个国家举办过音乐会,在中国进行过12次巡演。此番“苏联民族歌舞怀旧经典之夜”t演出,红旗歌舞团不仅精选了军旅年代广为传唱的中俄民族歌曲,还精心准备了契合鼓舞人心主题的歌剧选段,同时穿插配合水兵舞、哥萨克骑兵舞、戈巴克舞等极具俄罗斯特色的舞蹈,共同呈现一场精彩的“苏维埃情怀”的大型怀旧经典演出。
Soviet National Song and Dance Festival Classic Night of Nostalgia Time: December 28, 2014 (Sun) Venue: Grand Theater Opera House 5 Global Sources tGlobal Information The Russian Red Flag Song and Dance Ensemble in Russia is the highest, the largest and the oldest in Russia. The most prestigious army song and dance art groups. In the 85 years since the founding of the Corps, it has covered almost seven continents, held concerts in more than 70 countries and conducted 12 tours in China. This time “Soviet National Song and Dance nostalgic classic night ” performance, the Hongqi Song and Dance Ensemble is not only featured in the military’s most widely sung Chinese and Russian national songs, but also meticulously prepared inspirational themed opera selections, while interspersed with Sailors dance, Cossack cavalry, Gembark dance and other very Russian-style dance together to show a wonderful “Soviet sentiment ” large nostalgic classic performance.